SEO Process

What is your SEO process that you use?

I like to break all of my processes down to seven steps.

  • • Educating the Client
  • • Research and Analysis
  • • Identifying Opportunities
  • • Coding and implementation
  • • Copywriting and Implementation
  • • Speed and Site Performance
  • • Marketing and Link Building
  • • Rankings Report and Tracking

Educating the Client

Taking the time teach stakeholders in why #1 rank in Google does not happen overnight, as so many agencies promise, is really important.

Research and Analysis

Spend time to understand the field and niche of the company.

If there are similar companies, what are they doing to achieve desired rankings?

This is pretty helpful, because you use tools like MOZ to identify what keywords are being searched.

If there is not similar, then you need to create the solutions for the desired rankings.

These are fun to work with, because you get to create the interest for the company.

Identifying Opportunities

Identify where improvements can be made. Does the company have any SEO in place?

Coding and implementation

Coding is needed when META tags or other elements are missing, and need to be added.

Copywriting and Implementation

Depending on the quality of the content, having a copywriter add/change the content of the website. It is important to keep the identity of the company, but adding references to other pages in the website is very helpful to drive the customer through the website.

Speed and Site Performance

What kind of optimization is being done on images and other files that are being loaded. For images, this is where Blazy or other lazy loading javscripts can be used.

Marketing and Link Building

Using tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or others, can be very helpful for creating the link building. The trick is getting other websites to pick up your pages, which causes them to link back to your website. This is helpful when the web crawlers hit their website, they also hit yours. A technique that can be used, but can be costly, is to pay different popular news agencies to release an article linking to your website with data.

Rankings Report and Tracking

(I love this part) Looking at data, using data, and adjusting for data. The steps above, with consideration to the previous, are pretty quick in comparison to this step. To be really effective, you need to spend a considerable amount of time on this step. Doing so, will continue to yield strong results and take the company to where it needs/wants to be.